Past Projects

  • (QB)² – Question Bank Quick Builder
    (QB)² – Question Bank Quick Builder
    (QB)2, or the “Question Bank Quick Builder,” is a Google Sheet Add-on developed at UCLA’s Humanities Technology to reduce...
    Principal Investigator(s): Thomas Garbelotti, Humanities Instructional Technology Manager
  • R Lab for Historical Linguistics
    R Lab for Historical Linguistics
    Prof. David Goldstein is collaborating with CDH to design and create a lab component for his Spring 2018 Linguistics...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. David Goldstein, Linguistics
  • African Languages Website Migration
    African Languages Website Migration
    The African Languages Website Migration project is preserving the Chadic languages (Yobe, Miya, Musey, Hausa) digital resources created by...
    Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Olga Ivanova, Linguistics
  • Archive of Ritual, Healing, and Transformation
    Archive of Ritual, Healing, and Transformation
    David Shorter is exploring how to publish cultural heritage material in a way that is respectful and empowering of...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. David Shorter, World Arts and Cultures
  • Evidence Locker
    Evidence Locker
    Evidence Locker is a web application under development at CDH to help students learn critical reading and writing skills.
    Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Dave Shepard, CDH; Dr. Chris Mott, English
  • A Digital Version of Prokosch’s Comparative Germanic Grammar
    A Digital Version of Prokosch’s Comparative Germanic Grammar
    Nick de Carlo is building a digital version of Prokosch's "A Comparative German Grammar."
    Principal Investigator(s): Nick de Carlo, Germanic
  • Yoruba Architectural Reconstruction
    Yoruba Architectural Reconstruction
    Prof. Steven Nelson is experimenting with the 3D modeling of Yoruba house posts in their original environment, in order...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Steven Nelson, Art History
  • Mapping Indigenous L.A.
    Mapping Indigenous L.A.
    Mapping Indigenous L.A. is building a website where members of the native communities in the greater Los Angeles area...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Maylei Blackwell, Chicano/a Studies; Prof. Mishuana Goeman, Gender Studies and Native American Studies; and...
  • Tweet Reader
    Tweet Reader
    Dr. Dave Shepard and Jun Wan are exploring Twitter messages about major disasters to help improve scholars' understanding of...
    Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Dave Shepard, CDH
  • Virtual Cartographies: Mapping Historical Memory from the Spanish Civil War and Postwar Period
    Virtual Cartographies: Mapping Historical Memory from the Spanish Civil War and Postwar Period
    Wendy Kurtz is exploring how digital mapping can help her understand and communicate how contemporary representations of mass graves...
    Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Wendy Kurtz, Spanish and Portuguese
  • Big Data and Big Novels: Text Mining the Prose of the Russian Revolution
    Big Data and Big Novels: Text Mining the Prose of the Russian Revolution
    Dr. Sean Griffin is exploring how topic modeling can help his students better understand the literature of the Russian...
    Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Sean Griffin, Slavic
  • Hebrew e-Workbook Public Pilot
    Hebrew e-Workbook Public Pilot
    Dr. Nancy Ezer's Hebrew e-Workbook pilot will evaluate the possibility of allowing other Hebrew programs to share the learning...
    Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Nancy Ezer, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
  • LA in the Sixties
    LA in the Sixties
    LA in the Sixties uses digital maps to explore and teach about racial contestation and musical development in 1960s-era...
    Principal Investigator(s): Rosaleen Rhee, Musicology
  • Engaging Punk
    Engaging Punk
    Engaging Punk seeks to create a more effective listening guide for Music History classes on the punk music genre,...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Jessica Schwartz, Musicology
  • Diversifying the Classics
    Diversifying the Classics
    Diversifying the Classics is creating new digital editions of classic Spanish comedias to help bring this rich theatrical tradition...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Barbara Fuchs, Spanish & Portuguese/English/Center for 17th- and 18th-Century Studies
  • Burton Holmes Digital Archive
    Burton Holmes Digital Archive
    The Burton Holmes Collection has been archived and may be available through the UCLA art history department.
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Steven Nelson, Art History
  • Mickey Katz Digital Library
    Mickey Katz Digital Library
    The Mickey Katz Digital Library uses digital artifacts from the life of the ground-breaking musician to illustrate both his...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Mark Kligman, Musicology/Ethnomusicology
  • Metadata for African Art
    Metadata for African Art
    CDH and Prof. Nelson are testing the value of ArtStor's Shared Shelf to help UCLA Art History program better...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Steven Nelson, Art History
  • Sicalipsis
    Sicalipsis is a virtual museum or Wunderkammer thathouses erotica and popular culture produced and/or consumed in early Twentieth CenturySpain....
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Maite Zubiaurre, Spanish and Portuguese
  • Augustan Rome
    Augustan Rome
    The first Roman Emperor, Augustus, allegedly claimed to have transformed Rome from brick to marble. Explorations of this statement...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Diane Favro, Architecture
  • WorldLiterature@UCLA
    WorldLiterature@UCLA originates in the desire to document translational networks of literature in the intersection of conventional humanistic methods and...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. David Kim, Germanic
  • World’s Columbian Exposition
    World’s Columbian Exposition
    The Columbian Exposition model builds on the Urban Simulation Team’s experiencewith contemporary urban environments and cultural heritage sites. The...
    Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Lisa M. Snyder, IDRE
  • VSIM
    VSiM facilitates the real-time exploration of highly detailed, three-dimensionalcomputer models in both formal and informal educational settings.
    Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Scott Friedman, Dr. Lisa M. Snyder, Dr. Elaine Sullivan, Eduardo Poyart, Franklin Fang, and...
  • Event Pulse
    Event Pulse
    “Event Pulse” is a digital humanities research project that brings together socialmedia data and broadcast news data in order...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Todd Presner, Digital Humanities; Prof. Francis Steen, Communication Studies; Dr. David Shepard, CDH; Yoh...
  • Seeing Sunset
    Seeing Sunset
    Learning Los Angeles is a joint project of the Los Angeles: The Cluster class and the UCLA Library to...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Jan Reiff, History
  • RomeLab
    RomeLab is a multi-disciplinary research group whose work uses the physical and virtual city of Rome as a point...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Christopher Johanson, Classics
  • Andean Narratives
    Andean Narratives
    As part of the UCLA Digital Humanities program’s capstone course, students and a faculty member collaborated on a web...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Miriam Posner, Digital Humanities and Information Studies
  • LA Aqueduct Digital Platform
    LA Aqueduct Digital Platform
    In partnership with Lauren Bon and Metabolic Studio, UCLA Library Special Collections developed the Los Angeles Aqueduct Digital Platform...
    Principal Investigator(s): Jillian Cuellar, UCLA Library
  • Digital Karnak
    Digital Karnak
    The Digital Karnak Project aims to make the site of Karnak more accessible to students and instructors in the...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Diane Favro, Architecture
  • Far From Moscow
    Far From Moscow
    A database of new music, poetry, and regional songwriting from more than 3,000 independent artists in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus,...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. David Macfadyen, Musicology
  • Reverse Engineering History: Structural Analysis of the Lighthouse at Alexandria
    Reverse Engineering History: Structural Analysis of the Lighthouse at Alexandria
    More than 2,000 years ago the ancient Pharos Lighthouse towered 129 meters over Alexandria, equivalent to a 35 story...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof Diane Favro, Architecture; Anthony Caldwell, CDH
  • Mapping Danish Population Change and the Railroads, 1860-1920
    Mapping Danish Population Change and the Railroads, 1860-1920
    An ongoing challenge for many historical GIS projects is the aggregation of data from disparate sources. In our project,...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Tim Tangherlini, Scandinavian
  • Urkesh: The Digital Invention of an Ancient Site
    Urkesh: The Digital Invention of an Ancient Site
    The long-term goal of Professor Emeritus Giorgio Buccellati is to update his original archaeological database using current standards, while...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Emer. Giorgio Buccellati, Cotsen Institute of Archeology
  • Multimodal Communication
    Multimodal Communication
    Dr. Leigh Harris from UCLA’s Writing Programs is exploring solutions with CDH to enable media-rich writing projects for her...
    Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Leigh Harris, Writing Programs
  • Mapping Literary L.A.
    Mapping Literary L.A.
    The goal of this project is to contribute to the design and mock-up of a Mapping Literary Los Angeles...
    Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Colleen Jaurretche, Writing Programs; Dr. Kelly Miller, UCLA Library; Doug Worsham, UCLA Library
  • Keys to Voice Studies
    Keys to Voice Studies
    A project, led by Professor Nina Eidsheim from UCLA's Department of Musicology, to build a website for the Keys...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Nina Eidsheim, Musicology
  • East Asian Studies Macroscope
    East Asian Studies Macroscope
    A Mellon-funded initiative to create an integrated set of computational tools for the analysis of digitized East Asian Studies...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Jack Chen, Asian Languages and Cultures; Tim Tangherlini, Scandinavian
  • Digital Mapping and Visualization of UCLA Service Learning
    Digital Mapping and Visualization of UCLA Service Learning
    This project aims to help UCLA's Center for Community Learning develop a geospatial display of their students' service learning...
    Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Elizabeth Goodhue, UCLA Center for Community Learning
  • A Statistical Analysis of Canaanite Akkadian Texts
    A Statistical Analysis of Canaanite Akkadian Texts
    The goal of this project is to provide hard data to clarify a debate on the linguistic characteristics of...
    Principal Investigator(s): Alice Mandell, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
  • UCLA Encylopedia of Egyptology
    UCLA Encylopedia of Egyptology
    The UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology is an international cooperative project to provide high-quality, peer-reviewed information on ancient Egypt. It...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Willeke Wendrich, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
  • Online Encyclopedia of African Music
    Online Encyclopedia of African Music
    With the cooperation of CDH, the UCLA Ethnomusicology Archive, and the UCLA Digital Library, Professor Jesse Ruskin from the...
    Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Jesse Ruskin, Ethnomusicology
  • Paris: Past and Present
    Paris: Past and Present
    Professor Meredith Cohen's goal is to build a highly accurate 3D model of high medieval Paris (AD 1100-1300), to...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Meredith Cohen, Art History
  • Digital Anatolia
    Digital Anatolia
    This project pushes the boundaries of multimedia argumentation by offering a rapid, 4-D map-based approach to studying and exploring...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Christopher Johanson, Classics
  • Ancient Egyptian Coffins Project
    Ancient Egyptian Coffins Project
    The goal of this project is to migrate Prof. Cooney's personal database of images and meta data pertaining to...
    Principal Investigator(s): Professor Kara Cooney, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
  • A Sense of Place
    A Sense of Place
    A project to explore the relationship between space and narrative. We examine all aspects of this question, but will...
    Principal Investigator(s): Dr. John Lynch, CDH
  • American Labor Who’s Who Database
    American Labor Who’s Who Database
    This project aims to convert scanned pages of a 1925 directory of trade union, immigrant rights and radical activists...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Toby Higbie, History
  • CSANA/UCLA Celtic Studies On-Line Bibliography Project
    CSANA/UCLA Celtic Studies On-Line Bibliography Project
    The Celtic Studies On-line Bibliography Project is the only ongoing bibliography of Celtic studies that attempts to cover all...
    Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Joseph Nagy, English; Karen Burgess, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies