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Past Projects
Picturing Mexican America
This project aims to illuminate the Mexican history of Los Angeles, and to make clear the consistent, enduring presence...
Principal Investigator(s):
Marissa López, English & Chicana/o Studies
How We Narrate the Self: A Large-Scale Analysis of Autobiographical Texts
This project examines autobiographical texts written in English from 1700 to 1900 to analyze how we tend to narrate...
Principal Investigator(s):
Whitney Arnold, Comparative Literature
Cinema’s Peculiar Institution
Cinema’s Peculiar Institution is a history of the representation of slavery in film from the dawn of cinema to...
Principal Investigator(s):
Ellen C. Scott, School ofTheater, Film and Television.
Amplify Digital Archive Project
An international participatory action research endeavor to create a community-based participatory digital archive about forced migration
Principal Investigator(s):
Kathy Carbone, Information Studies
How We Make It: Disability Justice in the Wake of Covid’s Long Haul
Multi-media audio, visual, and textual composition on the SCALAR platform about the effects of Long Covid
Principal Investigator(s):
Rachel Lee, English & Gender Studies
Faces Revealed Coffin Database
The examination Egyptian yellow coffins’ lids through a new and in-progress methodology approach based on the analysis of facial...
Principal Investigator(s):
Stefania Mainieri, NELC & Cotsen Institute of Archaeology
Shot on location, COMFORTLESS is an immersive experience of “American Town,” a brothel established exclusively for the U.S. Air...
Principal Investigator(s):
Gina Kim, TFT
Incan Working Group
The goal of the Inca Mapping Project is to create a map that utilizes a topographic (3D/Google Earth) base...
Principal Investigator(s):
Stella Nair, Art History
Mapping Transborder Complexity
Digital mapping research project between UCLA and ECOSUR-Conacyt that looks at the migration patterns and territorial reconfigurations of Mexico’s...
Principal Investigator(s):
Maite Zubiaurre, ELTS & Spanish and Portuguese
Testing Digital Historical Research Methods to Advance DH Book Project
This capstone presents the opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to be a part of the creation of a...
Principal Investigator(s):
Ashley Sanders, Digital Humanities
Platform for Community Engaged Archive Class
Creation of a class on community archiving and the history of the Zapotec diaspora.
Principal Investigator(s):
Maylei Blackwell, Chicana and Chicano Studies, Gender Studies
Thermal Inequalities
this project will examine qualitative differences in thermal experience by attending to how heat is constructed and construed, by...
Principal Investigator(s):
Bharat Jayram Venkat, Institute for Society & Genetics, Department of History
The establishment of a local version of DHRI- CaliHRI
Principal Investigator(s):
Dr. Zoe Borovsky and other UC/California school collaborators
Historical Photography Analysis
The primary aim of this project is to develop an open-source reverse image retrieval system that will search historical...
Principal Investigator(s):
Lin Du, Asian Languages and Cultures
In Search of L.A.
In Search of LA is a digital hub for making histories and telling stories about Los Angeles neighborhoods, past...
Principal Investigator(s):
Tawny Paul,UCLA Public History Initiative Director and Doug Barrera, Associate Director at the UCLA Center...
Afro-Asian Archives: Preserving and Digitizing Gujarati Sources for Indian Ocean African History.
The Afro-Asian Archives Project aims to catalog, preserve, and digitize this collection; and secondly, to promote knowledge about and...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Hollian Wint, History
Visualizing Recorded Jewish Music
With data from over 130,000 recorded tracks and over 20,000 albums, the DRJM provides an unprecedented research tool as...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Mark Kligman, Dr. Jeff Janeczko; Danielle Stein
Old Herbs
Old Herbs provides basic information about the plants and herbs used in historical Mediterranean medicine, including its scientific name,...
Principal Investigator(s):
Dr. Alain Touwaide and Dr. Emanuela Appetiti
K-12 Outreach Upgrade
UCLA offers a variety of programs and resources for K-12 students, parents and educators. K-12 Outreach provides the basic...
Principal Investigator(s):
Lauren Na
Inclusive Gatherings
Inclusive Gatherings is an EPIC-funded project to educate UCLA faculty about how and why to maintain an inclusive classroom...
Principal Investigator(s):
Dr. Carla Suhr, Spanish and Portuguese; Prof. Jimena Rodriguez, Spanish and Portuguese; and Prof. Kip...
(QB)² – Question Bank Quick Builder
(QB)2, or the “Question Bank Quick Builder,” is a Google Sheet Add-on developed at UCLA’s Humanities Technology to reduce...
Principal Investigator(s):
Thomas Garbelotti, Director of Humanities Technology
Playing with Shakespeare
Playing with Shakespeare is a project to increase public engagement with the works of Shakespeare by making it easy...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Rob Watson, English; Prof. Mel Shapiro, Theater
R Lab for Historical Linguistics
Prof. David Goldstein is collaborating with HumTech to design and create a lab component for his Spring 2018 Linguistics...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. David Goldstein, Linguistics
African Languages Website Migration
The African Languages Website Migration project is preserving the Chadic languages (Yobe, Miya, Musey, Hausa) digital resources created by...
Principal Investigator(s):
Dr. Olga Ivanova, Linguistics
Archive of Ritual, Healing, and Transformation
David Shorter is exploring how to publish cultural heritage material in a way that is respectful and empowering of...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. David Shorter, World Arts and Cultures
Evidence Locker
Evidence Locker is a web application under development at CDH to help students learn critical reading and writing skills.
Principal Investigator(s):
Dr. Dave Shepard, CDH; Dr. Chris Mott, English
Undergraduate Writing Center Appointment Scheduling System
The UWC Appointment Scheduling System lets UCLA undergrads easily get hands-on help improving their writing on actual assignments.
Principal Investigator(s):
Dr. Christine Holten, Writing Program
A Digital Version of Prokosch’s Comparative Germanic Grammar
Nick de Carlo is building a digital version of Prokosch's "A Comparative German Grammar."
Principal Investigator(s):
Nick de Carlo, Germanic
Yoruba Architectural Reconstruction
Prof. Steven Nelson is experimenting with the 3D modeling of Yoruba house posts in their original environment, in order...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Steven Nelson, Art History (formerly)
Mapping Indigenous L.A.
Mapping Indigenous L.A. developed a website where members of the native communities in the greater LA area can tell...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Maylei Blackwell, Chicano/a Studies; Prof. Mishuana Goeman, Gender Studies and Native American Studies; and...
Tweet Reader
This project uses data mining to explore how Twitter is used during major disasters.
Principal Investigator(s):
Dr. Dave Shepard
Virtual Cartographies: Mapping Historical Memory from the Spanish Civil War and Postwar Period
exploring how digital mapping can help her understand and communicate how contemporary representations of mass graves in Spain affect...
Principal Investigator(s):
Dr. Wendy Kurtz, Digital Humanities
Genocide, Testimony, and the Digital Archive
Database queries and network visualization to explore testimonies of genocide, as well as the ethics and challenges of preserving...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Todd Presner, ELTS
Big Data and Big Novels: Text Mining the Prose of the Russian Revolution
Dr. Sean Griffin is exploring how topic modeling can help his students better understand the literature of the Russian...
Principal Investigator(s):
Dr. Sean Griffin, Slavic
Hebrew e-Workbook Public Pilot
Dr. Nancy Ezer's Hebrew e-Workbook pilot will evaluate the possibility of allowing other Hebrew programs to share the learning...
Principal Investigator(s):
Dr. Nancy Ezer, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
LA in the Sixties
LA in the Sixties uses digital maps to explore and teach about racial contestation and musical development in 1960s-era...
Principal Investigator(s):
Rosaleen Rhee, Musicology
Engaging Punk
Engaging Punk seeks to create a more effective listening guide for Music History classes on the punk music genre,...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Jessica Schwartz, Musicology
Diversifying the Classics
Diversifying the Classics is creating new digital editions of classic Spanish comedias to help bring this rich theatrical tradition...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Barbara Fuchs, Spanish & Portuguese/English/Center for 17th- and 18th-Century Studies
Burton Holmes Digital Archive
The Burton Holmes Collection has been archived and may be available through the UCLA art history department.
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Steven Nelson, Art History
Immersive Humanities Viewer
An experimental web viewer for three-dimensional models of historical objects that allows users to tag them with rich cultural...
Principal Investigator(s):
Dr. Dave Shepard, CDH; Prof. Willeke Wendrich, NELC
Mickey Katz Digital Library
The Mickey Katz Digital Library uses digital artifacts from the life of the ground-breaking musician to illustrate both his...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Mark Kligman, Musicology/Ethnomusicology
Metadata for African Art
"Metadata for African Art" explored the combination of Artstor's Shared Shelf and Omeka to better introduce students to the...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Steven Nelson, Art History
Sicalipsis is a virtual museum or Wunderkammer that houses erotica and popular culture of early 20th c. Spain.
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Maite Zubiaurre, Spanish and Portuguese
Augustan Rome
Reconstructions of Augustan era Rome
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Diane Favro, Architecture
WorldLiterature@UCLA originates in the desire to document translational networks of literature in the intersection of conventional humanistic methods and...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. David Kim, Germanic
World’s Columbian Exposition
The World’s ColumbianExposition of 1893 is a perfect test case for the educational applications of interactive computer models. The...
Principal Investigator(s):
Dr. Lisa M. Snyder, IDRE
VSiM facilitates the real-time exploration of highly detailed, three-dimensional computer models in both formal and informal educational settings.
Principal Investigator(s):
Dr. Scott Friedman, Dr. Lisa M. Snyder, Dr. Elaine Sullivan, Eduardo Poyart, Franklin Fang, and...
Event Pulse
“Event Pulse” brings together social media data and broadcast news data in order to discover, track, visualize, and analyze...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Todd Presner, Digital Humanities; Prof. Francis Steen, Communication Studies; Dr. David Shepard, CDH; Yoh...
Seeing Sunset
Create an online textbook a class. It is led by Prof. Jan Reiff and has been supported by the...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Jan Reiff, History
RomeLab is a multi-disciplinary research group whose work uses the physical and virtual city of Rome to study the...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Christopher Johanson, Classics
Andean Narratives
A web based project that offers more insight into the collection of Andean ceramics at the Fowler Museum at...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Miriam Posner, Digital Humanities and Information Studies
LA Aqueduct Digital Platform
In partnership with Lauren Bon and Metabolic Studio, UCLA Library Special Collections developed the Los Angeles Aqueduct Digital Platform,...
Principal Investigator(s):
Jillian Cuellar, UCLA Library
Digital Karnak
The Digital Karnak Project aims to make the site of Karnak more accessible to students and instructors in the...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Diane Favro, Architecture
Far From Moscow
A database of new music, poetry, and regional songwriting from more than 3,000 independent artists in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus,...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. David Macfadyen, Musicology
Reverse Engineering History: Structural Analysis of the Lighthouse at Alexandria
Digital Reconstruction of the Pharos Lighthouse
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof Diane Favro, Architecture; Anthony Caldwell, Library
Mapping Danish Population Change and the Railroads, 1860-1920
This project aims to bring together sources describing changes in infrastructure, population, and farming methods from the mid 19th...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Tim Tangherlini, Scandinavian
Urkesh: The Digital Invention of an Ancient Site
Update his original archaeological database using current standards, while still maintaining its integrity as an argument about the nature...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Emer. Giorgio Buccellati, Cotsen Institute of Archeology
Multimodal Communication
The exploration of solutions to enable media-rich writing projects for a Fall English 3 class.
Principal Investigator(s):
Dr. Leigh Harris, Writing Programs
Mapping Literary L.A.
The goal of this project is to contribute to the design and mock-up of a Mapping Literary Los Angeles...
Principal Investigator(s):
Dr. Colleen Jaurretche, Writing Programs; Dr. Kelly Miller, UCLA Library; Doug Worsham, UCLA Library
Korean/Korean American Online Folklore Archive
A reimagining of the search and display interface of the Korean/Korean American Online Folklore Archive
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Tim Tangherlini, Scandinavian
Keys to Voice Studies
A project, led by Professor Nina Eidsheim from UCLA's Department of Musicology, to build a website for the Keys...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Nina Eidsheim, Musicology
East Asian Studies Macroscope
A Mellon-funded initiative to create an integrated set of computational tools for the analysis of digitized East Asian Studies...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Jack Chen, Asian Languages and Cultures; Tim Tangherlini, Scandinavian
Digital Mapping and Visualization of UCLA Service Learning
This project aims to help UCLA's Center for Community Learning develop a geospatial display of their students' service learning...
Principal Investigator(s):
Dr. Elizabeth Goodhue, UCLA Center for Community Learning
A Statistical Analysis of Canaanite Akkadian Texts
The goal of this project is to provide hard data to clarify a debate on the linguistic characteristics of...
Principal Investigator(s):
Alice Mandell, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
UCLA Encylopedia of Egyptology
The UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology is an international cooperative project to provide high-quality, peer-reviewed information on ancient Egypt. It...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Willeke Wendrich, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
Online Encyclopedia of African Music
Develop a website that presents the work of musicologist Darius L. Thieme, whose pioneering fieldwork during the 1960s represents...
Principal Investigator(s):
Dr. Jesse Ruskin, Ethnomusicology
Visual Resources Collection for Teaching and Learning
A HumTech collaboration with Prof. Steven Nelson to pilot Artstor's Shared Shelf platform as a possible home for the...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Steven Nelson, Art History
Paris: Past and Present
3D Modeling of high Medieval Paris (1100-1300 CE)
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Meredith Cohen, Art History
Digital Anatolia
This project pushes the boundaries of multimedia argumentation by offering a rapid, 4-D map-based approach to studying and exploring...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Christopher Johanson, Classics
Ancient Egyptian Coffins Project
The goal of this project is to migrate Prof. Cooney's personal database of images and meta data pertaining to...
Principal Investigator(s):
Professor Kara Cooney, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
A Sense of Place
A project to explore the relationship between space and narrative. We examine all aspects of this question, but will...
Principal Investigator(s):
Dr. John Lynch, CDH
American Labor Who’s Who Database
This project aims to convert scanned pages of a 1925 directory of trade union, immigrant rights and radical activists...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Toby Higbie, History
CSANA/UCLA Celtic Studies On-Line Bibliography Project
Online bibliography that attempts to cover all aspects of Celtic studies and work on and in all the Celtic...
Principal Investigator(s):
Prof. Joseph Nagy, English; Karen Burgess, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
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