Learning Lab @ Rolfe
Located at 2118 Rolfe Hall, the Learning Lab @ Rolfe supports undergraduate learning and success in the Humanities through an adaptable and technology enhanced environment. The lab offers on-demand technical support to ensure the smooth operation of technology so instructors can focus on teaching, and students on learning.
The Learning Lab is equipped with 30 MacBooks, an instructor station connected to a digital projection system, and two mobile display carts. Regular hours are Monday: 9 am – 6pm, Tuesday – Thursday: 9 am – 7 pm, and Friday: 9 am – 4 pm. The lab is closed on all weekends and academic holidays. Please do check the Google calendar for the most up to date schedule!
Taking an exam or looking for a place to study?

Open/Free use hours are indicated on the lab’s calendar! Students who need to take an exam, borrow a laptop, or simply need a place to study can come use the space during these hours without making a reservation.
A color printer is available, but use of the printer is limited to students and faculty who are enrolled in the classes that take place in the lab.
Available Software
Below is a list of current software that are installed on each MacBook. If any faculty require additional software to be installed onto the laptops, please email labs@humnet.ucla.edu.
- GarageBand
- Gephi
- Google Earth Pro
- iMovie
- LockDown Browser
- Microsoft 365
- OpenRefine
- Tableau Public
- Vectorworks
- Zoom
Reserving the Lab
If taking an exam using the Lockdown Browser or inquiring about using the space for a club meeting, you DO NOT need to reserve a time. Anybody is free to use the lab during our ‘Open / Free use’ hours. There will be no special reservations for these types of requests at this time.
For lab reservations (for course use ONLY), please refer to the lab schedule and fill out this form (UCLA login required).
Scheduling priority will be given to Humanities classes that best utilize available resources including: laptops, specialized software, mobile displays/projection equipment, other hardware, and special room layouts. Scheduling conflicts after considering resource utilization, will be prioritized in the order received.