Podcasting Cart

mobile podcasting cartOur Podcasting In Place/Portable INstallation Cart (PIPPIN) is now available to help UCLA faculty, staff, and students who want the ability to record solely their voices for lectures and podcasts. As this medium has become the norm for consuming media and information on the go, this cart provides the ability to record lectures and intellectual conversations in the highest quality. Audio recordings are something that cannot be fixed with editing, therefore it ise a great benefit to those who don’t have access to quality microphones.

The cart resides within Studio H, 1043 Public Affairs, and needs to be booked at least one week in advance.

This kit includes microphones, windscreens, a Zoom recorder, and various cabling all enclosed in a cart.

Reserving PIPPIN

For cart reservations, please fill out the form below or you can e-mail our labs coordinator.

Please note that we require at least a week’s notice for use of the podcasting cart to arrange staffing.