Instructional Technology

The Research & Instructional Technology Consultants (RITCs) are a team of graduate students who work collaboratively to share their various disciplinary, pedagogical, and technical skills by assisting instructors with the best use of technology in research and instruction.

Humanities staff, instructors and graduate students may contact us at for support of their course websites or other instructional related technology. We also offer live, drop in online instructional support (M-F, 9am-4pm; W, 9am-12pm):

Join Us!

There are number of reasons to become an RITC – but the best ones are around the fantastic exposure to technology, people, and resources that may fall outside of your own discipline while you work with faculty on their teaching and research projects. See how the Digital Humanities continues to evolve and mature, and get a great glimpse into other academic career paths.

RITCs are hired for a tenure on an annual basis and are based in our Teaching Resource Center (1020 Public Affairs Building). Recruitment for these positions occurs in Spring term, with work starting in September.

If you are interested in becoming an RITC, or learning more about them, please contact for more information.