Challenging Models of Digitization and Access

Challenging Models of Digitization and Access March 20th, 2017, 10am-12pm (PDT) IDRE Visualization Portal, 5628 Math Sciences Building This seminar challenges traditional notions and models of how we digitize and make materials accessible. The argument is that there is a strong focus on digitizing cultural heritage in standardized, generic ways and on making this material...

CS 201: ACM-W Distinguished Lecture: Broadening The Computer Science Community, MARIA KLAWE, Harvey Mudd College

Apr 11, 2017 Speaker: Maria Klawe Affiliation: Harvey Mudd College ABSTRACT: Computing is one of the least diverse disciplines in science and engineering in terms of participation by women, African-Americans and Hispanics, and the only discipline where participation by women has significantly decreased over the last three decades. While our discipline does well in encouraging...

Racial Photography as Scientific Evidence

Foregoing the political lens through which we usually look back at racial photography, this talk returns racial photography into the history of science and addresses it as a form of scientific evidence. Morris-Reich reconstructs individual cases, conceptual genealogies, and patterns of practice of the use of photography and photographic techniques for the study of “race”...

Miriam Poser: Seeing Like a Supply Chain: Data, Movement, and Capital in the Logistical Regime

Supply chains are critical to understanding the global economy. As offshoring has become standard corporate practice, these networks have become head-spinningly complex, evan as just-in-time production and rapid cycles of obsolescence require that commodities be handed through the supply chain with minimal latency. The presentation investigates SAP, the suite of software most commonly used for...

Winter Wednesday Workshops: Digital Research Project Presentation: Terry Allen

Young Research Library, Research Commons (RC) Classroom Room 11630F, Young Research Library, Los Angeles

Wednesday, Jan 10, 2018 - 11:30 am to 12:30 pm Research Library (Charles E. Young) - Research Commons (RC) Classroom UCLA graduate student, Terry Allen, will present his project. Terry holds a M.A. in Education Policy from Teachers College, Columbia University and a B.A. in Rhetoric from the University of California, Berkeley. He is currently...

Green Family Lecture Series: “Deep Learning and the Future of Artificial Intelligence” by Yann LeCun

Ackerman Grand Ballroom

The Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) invites you to the first Green Family Lectures of 2018 featuring Yann LeCun, director of Facebook’s artificial intelligence research and professor at NYU. The rapid progress of AI in the last few years is largely the result of advances in deep learning and neural nets, combined with...

Green Family Lecture Series; “AI Breakthroughs & Obstacles to Progress, Mathematical and Otherwise” by Yann LeCun

Ackerman Grand Ballroom

The Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) invites you to attend the 2018 Green Family Lectures featuring Yann LeCun, Director of AI Research at Facebook and Professor at NYU. Deep learning is causing revolutions in computer perception and natural language understanding. But almost all these successes largely rely on supervised learning, where the machine is required...

UCLA DH Research Seminar: Ben Breen, UCSC

Scholarly Innovation Lab, YRL 280 Charles E. Young Drive N, Los Angeles, CA

Lunch 12-1pm. Lecture 1-3pm Click here for RSVP Abstract This talk connects the early modern European occult tradition to digital culture. In particular, it will discuss the Alchemy Website (, Twilit Grotto: Archives of Western Esoterica (, and online archives related to drugs and DIY pharmacology, like Many of these sites are not just archives of old...