Network Services FAQ

  • How do I request a domain name?

    To request a new top-level domain name (, please complete parts I and III of the following form and email it to CDH Service Desk at The approval decision is made by campus IT Services and External Affairs. Please allow one to two weeks for a response. The official UCLA Policy 411: Registration and Use of UCLA Domain Names, can be found here:

  • What CMS (Content Management Software) software do we support on our website hosting platform?

    CDH supports WordPress, Joomla, Omeka, and Drupal. We are primarily a WordPress shop and actively develop WordPress websites in collaboration with PIs. The other CMSes are supported, but not actively developed, meaning the PIs will need to manage all maintenance and development required to keep the website sustainable and secure. All website CMS software are the responsibility of the PI, including all plugins and any add on software.

  • What is the Humanities Network?

    The Humanities network comprises of all networking, workstations, printers, and other peripherals attached to the network hardware in buildings where Humanities departments operate. These buildings include Royce Hall, Rolfe Hall, Campbell Hall, Humanities Building, and Dodd Hall. By joining the Humanities network, you agree to the Terms of Use policy.