Creating and Publishing a People page
Once you have information gathered on a particular person you want to add to your departmental website, please follow these steps:
- Go to the People/Add New portion of the dashboard
- Add their full name to the blank “Enter Title Here“
- If the person has provided you with a written paragraph about themselves, this would go in the main paragraph box
- Scrolling down, you will see fields marked with asterisks – these are the required fields that must be filled out for each person to have them appear on the website. Often the required fields are:
- First Name, Last Name, Position Title, Email, Phone
- Once the required fields are complete you can basically fill in all fields that the person provided you information for (i.e. office hours, research) – many of these boxes will allow you to add styling such as bullet points, shading, etc. – please try to keep styling consistent throughout the people section of the website
- Towards the bottom of the page you will notice that you’re able to add personal website, CV attachments (which will have to be uploaded and be a part of the Media Library).
- VERY IMPORTANT – you must select from the “People Categories” what section of the Peopleportion of the website that person will appear in
- Once complete, either preview or publish the page – if you’re adding an image for the person, please continue to the next section in this manual on how to do so.