Web Content Writer
HumTech (Humanities Technology) is hiring an undergraduate part-time Web Content Writer to help with writing and managing content for departments within the Humanities division. This person works closely with contacts across the division to look for events, news/announcements, and people that would make for great writing opportunities to help attract more bruins. In addition, the Web Content Writer will audit content on websites to ensure it’s web-friendly, attractive, and up-to-date.
The ideal candidate:
- Enjoys writing and has a good understanding of spelling and grammar.
- Has excellent verbal and interpersonal skills to work in person and over email with faculty, staff and students.
- Has experience with content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress.
- Has written content published in a web or print publication (ex. blog, newspaper, journal).
- Has the ability to follow through on assignments and prioritize workload under minimal supervision.
- Preferably studies English, Comparative Literature, Communication, or a related subject that emphasizes writing.
How to apply:
To apply, fill out the form below by September 20th.