Citing the Use of Generative-AI
When incorporating AI-generated text or images into your work, it is important to acknowledge their source. This is for academic integrity that centers on honesty, responsibility, and giving proper credit to sources just as one would cite textbooks or journal articles to give credit to a human author, artist, or photographer. Academic integrity extends beyond avoiding plagiarism, emphasizing ethical research practices, fairness and upholding academic standards for long-term success. If your instructor permits the use of AI in an assignment, you must provide a citation each time AI-generated content is included. AI usage should only be used if explicitly allowed by your instructor–if you are uncertain, consult with them before using it in your work. Various citation style guides have published official or provisional recommendations on how to reference AI-generated material. You can follow the suggested guidelines below to ensure proper citation.
It is essential to acknowledge generative AI’s contributions when utilizing their tools in your work. This applies not only to direct quotes and paraphrased content but also to tasks such as editing, translation, idea generation, and data processing.
Avoid relying on sources cited by AI tools unless you have personally reviewed them. There are two key reasons for this: AI-generated citations may be fabricated, and even when they reference real sources, the cited information might be inaccurate.
It is important to check citation guidelines frequently since guidelines are still evolving. If you are uncertain about the proper citation format, consider including a note in your work explaining how you used the AI tool.
Citations serve two main purposes: to give credit to the original creator and to enable others to locate the sources you referenced. Keeping these principles in mind can guide your decisions on how to properly acknowledge AI-generated content.
There are three main citation styles: APA, MLA, and Chicago. The choice of which style to use depends on your discipline and institutional requirements. See below for examples for each:
MLA Generative AI Citation Guide
AI-generated materials are viewed as a source with no author
Include a sharable link to the prompt script instead of the basic URL, if possible
"Description of chat" prompt. Name of AI tool, version of AI tool, Company, Date of chat, URL.
"Examples of harm reduction initiatives" prompt. ChatGPT, 23 Mar. version, OpenAI, 4 Mar. 2023, .
In-Text Citation Example:
("Examples of harm reduction")
Chicago Generative AI Citation Guide
Chicago views the tool as the author of the AI-generated materials
Include a sharable link to the prompt script instead of the basic URL, if possible
A numbered footnote or endnote might look like this:
Author, Title, Publisher, Date, URL for the tool.
Example (if information about the prompt has been included within the text of your paper):
Text generated by ChatGPT, OpenAI, February 20, 2024, .
Example (including information about the prompt):
ChatGPT, response to "Translation into German," OpenAI, February 20, 2024, .
APA Generative AI Citation Guide
APA views the creator of the AI tool as the author of the AI-generated materials
Include a sharable link to the prompt script instead of the basic URL, if possible
Author. (Date). AI Tool (Version) [type]. URL
In-text citation
When prompted with “Is the left brain right brain divide real or a metaphor?” the ChatGPT-generated text indicated that although the two brain hemispheres are somewhat specialized, “the notation that people can be characterized as ‘left-brained’ or ‘right-brained’ is considered to be an oversimplification and a popular myth” (OpenAI, 2023).
OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model].
Example (AI-generated image)
In-text citation
(Company that made the AI tool, year image was generated).
The company that made the AI tool. (Year image was generated). Name of the AI tool, as specifically as possible. The version of the AI tool. [AI image generator]. URL.