Discovering Data, Making Maps, and Telling a Story

In this workshop you will discover and learn more about several databases and online platforms that provide access to data and the provide the opportunity to make maps, including Social Explorer, SimplyMap, PolicyMap, Carto, and Odyssey JS. We will look at these resources as both data sources and as simple map-making tools. You should leave this workshop knowing more...

Discovering Data, Making Maps, and Telling a Story

In this workshop you will discover and learn more about several databases and online platforms that provide access to data and the provide the opportunity to make maps, including Social Explorer, SimplyMap, PolicyMap, Carto, and Odyssey JS. We will look at these resources as both data sources and as simple map-making tools. You should leave this workshop knowing more...

Research at UCLA

Learn to effectively navigate the Library's website, search online catalogs for books and other materials, and discover the best databases for articles on a given topic. Taught by Allison Benedetti, Librarian for Advanced Research and Engagement and for Urban Planning.

Project/Process Design for Scholars and Instructors

You’re faced with deadlines and cannot imagine how to get the work done. This workshop provides a way to design a flexible (and fun) process for managing any research project: digital or analog. The technique can be used for large or small projects, preparation for exams, creating a syllabus, multiple projects, and individual or team...

Project/Process Design for Scholars and Instructors

You’re faced with deadlines and cannot imagine how to get the work done. This workshop provides a way to design a flexible (and fun) process for managing any research project: digital or analog. The technique can be used for large or small projects, preparation for exams, creating a syllabus, multiple projects, and individual or team...

Finding Sources at the UCLA Library

Want to learn the most effective search strategies? There’s much more to search than Google! Become a savvy searcher and learn more about the best places to search for the information you need.   RSVP recommended, but not mandatory. All are welcome! 

Introduction to Zotero

Find out about the purpose, uses, and features of Zotero, a free, open-source application that helps researchers manage references and notes and create formatted bibliographies. Taught by Teresa Barnett, Head of the Center for Oral History Research, Charles E. Young Research Library.

Collecting and Citing Sources

Learn how to auto-generate your bibliography, keep track of your sources, and more! This one-hour workshop will save you many hours of frustration later.   RSVP recommended but not mandatory. All are welcome! The workshop will be held in CLICC Classroom C. Undergraduate Research Center for the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

Peter Suber on the State of Open Access

In the run up to Open Access Week, Peter Suber, Director of the Harvard Office for Scholarly Communication and author of the seminal book, Open Access, will discuss the state of Open Access on Tuesday, October 18 at 10am PDT. During the webcast, Peter will answer your questions submitted in advance and live on the advancement of Open Access and...

M.Arch. II / SUPRASTUDIO Information Session

M.ARCH. II /SUPRASTUDO INFORMATION SESSIONS OFFERED Learn more about our M.Arch.II/SUPRASTUDIO degree program by joining us on-line with SUPRASTUDIO leader Guvenc Ozel for a 30 minute presentation / 30 minute Q+A. Wednesday, October 19 9:00AM PDT *All days and times listed are Pacific Daylight Time/ PDT. Please convert to your local time zone. Presentation by SUPRASTUDIO Leader Guvenc Ozel TOPICS...
