Historicizing masculinities: A mini-conference on “Masculinity in Science”

This conference explores masculinity as a subject of science and as a characteristic of research and researchers. Presentations focus on science from the eighteenth to the twentieth century and deal with the social and biological sciences as well as computer science. Presenters: Mary Terrall | History, UCLA. Masculine Knowledge for the Public Good: The Scientific...

DML 2015: Equity by Design

The Digital Media and Learning Conference is an annual event supported by the MacArthur Foundation and organized by the Digital Media and Learning Hub located at the UC Humanities Research Institute, University of California, Irvine. The conference is meant to be an inclusive, international and annual gathering of scholars and practitioners in the field, focused on...

Engage-LA: Interpretive Media Laboratory

A collection of physically interactive and immersive media works about the city, created by TFT undergraduate students in the Interpretive Digital Media concentration, as part of the Engage LA  initiative supported by the TFT Skoll Center for Social Impact Entertainment, and designed for the new Los Angeles State Historic Park. Exhibit 2-8pm / Gala Presentations 8-10pm RSVP...