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Japanese Digital Humanities Workshop
A Digital Humanities Clinic:
New Frontiers in Japanese Literary Studies
November 29 (Tuesday) 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. | Research Library (Charles E. Young) West Classroom (YRL Room 23167) | Pre-registration required. Contact Tomoko Bialock
Japanese Digital Humanities:
I. A Hands-on Introduction
November 30 (Wednesday) 12:00 p.m.– 3:00 p.m. | Research Library (Charles E. Young) West Classroom (YRL Room 23167) | Open to UCLA faculty, students, and staff. RSVP required.
II. Lecture in M120 Introduction to Japanese Linguistics
December 1 (Thursday) 11:00 a.m.– 12:00 p.m. | Public Affairs Building Room 2232 | Limited to the Class M120. Contact Prof. Shoichi Iwasaki
For more information, see below.
Additional readings:
- (blog) Prof. Nagasaki’s Blog
- (2017 NCC workshop, March 13-14) Doing Digital Scholarship in Japanese Studies: Innovations and Challenges
- (2016 Fortune article) Why deep learning suddenly changing your life
- (2016 University of Chicago workshop, November 11-12) Digital Humanities Workshop at the University of Chicago
1. Hyakunin Isshu as a Mini Database / Catherine Ryu ( Michigan State University)
2. On Structure and Style in the Dai Nihon Shi / Aliz Horvath (University of Chicago)
3. On Late Medieval Forgery Production / Paula R. Curtis (University of Michigan)
4. The Epigraphy of Business Documents / Raja Adal (University of Pittsburgh)
5. On the Politics of Text / Amy Catalinac (New York University)
5. On the Language of Empire in Taiyo Magazine (1895-1925) / Molly Des Jardin (University of Pennsylvania)
6. Political Discourse in Early Meiji Japan / Mark Ravina (Emory University)
7. Mapping Medical Edo/Tokyo / Susan Burns (University of Chicago)
8. Can You Sing a Map? / Joel Legassie (University of Victoria)
9. On Scale / Jonathan Zwicker (University of California, Berkeley)
10. On Collecting Data / Jonathan Abel (Penn State University)
11. On Aozora Bunko as Archive / Hoyt Long (University of Chicago)
12. On Japanese Corpora and Tokenization / Toshinobu Ogiso (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics)
- (2015 e-book) Digital humanities in the library : challenges and opportunities for subject specialists
- (2015 article in Journal of Japanese Studies) Fog and Steel: Mapping Communities of Literary Translation in an Information Age / Hoyt Long
- (2013 article in boundary 2) Network Analysis and the Sociology of Modernism / R. J. So/H. Long