On the afternoon of May 16, instructors from around North Campus joined to discuss the challenges and opportunities around sharing...

On the afternoon of May 16, instructors from around North Campus joined to discuss the challenges and opportunities around sharing...
The EPIC Program at UCLA recognizes the possibilities of transformative teaching in the classroom when effort is put forth to...
Although it’s not specific to the humanities, the teaching of writing is an important priority for undergraduate instruction. Often, we...
Faculty across the disciplines persistently express concerns about their students’ skills in research collection, data management, and analysis of materials–particularly...
On April 17, all students at UCLA will be required to use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to access university systems (including...
Among the top challenges facing Ph.D. students are time management and organization. You can have the best ideas for a...
Dr. Lisa Felipe is the Director of the Excellence in Pedagogy and Innovative Classrooms Program (EPIC) at UCLA. EPIC, made...
The Online Teaching and Learning Initiative is facilitating three Faculty Design Workshops for the Classroom Advisory Committee to solicit input...
As a scholar of Near Eastern archaeology, I interact with archaeologists, ancient language experts, geographers, art historians, and experts from...
Metadata is the key to organization and providing access to digital and digitized cultural heritage collections stewarded by institutions such...