If you have done work in the Humanities, you have likely come across the concept of “close reading” — the...
The HumTech Blog
Insufficient Storage
by DSG Group in How To's, Technology, ToolsIt’s happened to all of us. Maybe we’re downloading a vacation’s worth of photos onto our computer, or maybe our...
Becoming HumTech: Things to know as we change our name
by DSG Group in NewsOn October 17, 2018, our Dean of Humanities announced the launch of Humanities Technology — “HumTech” — as part of...
Writing Informative and User-Friendly Content For Your Web Audience
by CDH Guest Author in Best PracticesWritten by Megan Reusche Knowing how to write for the web is a very important skill to have in today’s...
A new home(page) for CCLE
by Thomas Garbelotti in Instruction, News, TechnologyYou may have noticed that CCLE got an upgrade over the summer. As we mentioned in June the Moodle 3.4...
Introducing the Admin Panel: your new course site command center!
by Ashley Evans Bandy in How To's, Instruction, News, TechnologyAs part of the summer upgrade of CCLE, some of the interface changes mean new names and locations for key...
Let them choose, with Group Choice!
by Amber Williams in How To's, Instruction, TechnologyThe contact hours that professors and students spend together, whether in the classroom or virtually, is critical to the learning...
A new CCLE – with new features!
by Veronica Dean in How To's, Instruction, News, Technology, ToolsCCLE has a new look, and with it, some nice new features! Launching for summer 2018, the upgrade to UCLA’s...
Inaugural Course Sharing Symposium at HumTech
by Thomas Garbelotti in Instruction, NewsOn the afternoon of May 16, instructors from around North Campus joined to discuss the challenges and opportunities around sharing...
Debating Transformative Teaching in the Humanities
by Kevin G. McDonald in Events, Instruction, News, ResearchThe EPIC Program at UCLA recognizes the possibilities of transformative teaching in the classroom when effort is put forth to...