Undergraduate Writing Center Appointment Scheduling System

Writing Website: https://uwc.ucla.edu/ Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Christine Holten, Writing Program

UCLA’s Undergraduate Writing Center provides critical, hands-on consulting to students as they develop their writing skills during their undergraduate curriculum. In order to make getting help as easy as possible for students in need, the UWC asked HumTech to help them build an appointment scheduling system that would let them manage the availability of the UWC staff at multiple locations on campus and then would allow undergrads only to reserve slots by date, time, and location. Additionally, the system collects information about each appointment request and consulting session, allowing the UWC to continually refine its services to better meet the greatest needs on campus.

HumTech rebuilt the scheduling system as a cloud-based, serverless app, hosted on Amazon Web Services. The new app’s front-end is written in Vue.js and its back end uses a combination of Lambda functions and an Amazon RDS database. HumTech also integrated Shibboleth, UCLA’s single-sign on service with Amazon Cognito, Amazon’s authentication service, making HumTech the first office in the UC system to use Cognito in a web application. The original app was built by Jun Wan. The latest version of the app was built by Dr. Dave Shepard.