Sicalipsis is a virtual museum or Wunderkammer that houses erotica and popular culture produced and/or consumed in early twentieth-century Spain. It is a companion to the scholarly monograph Cultures of the Erotic: Spain 1898-1939 (Maite Zubiaurre, Vanderbilt University Press, 2012; recently published in Spanish as Culturas del Erotismo en España 1898-1939 [Cátedra, 2014]).
The main purpose of the book/website is to unearth the wealth of popular erotic materials that animated the urban life of Spain during the first half of the Twentieth Century, and which was later forcefully repressed and thus “forgotten” during the Francoist dictatorship (1939-1975). The virtual archive showcases a multifarious collection of cultural artifacts, such as erotic novelettes, philosophical essays on love, sexological treatises, nudist manifestoes, erotic postcards, and erotic magazines.