Research Award
The HumThink Research Award supports graduate students, instructors, and faculty conducting innovative and collaborative research of a digital nature in the humanities and humanistic social sciences, but also across the disciplines, that contributes to scholarly research and teaching. Project support spans the gamut from the initial stages of project development, grant funding development, aid on existing projects, and the opportunity to incorporate a graduate student on your research team. Graduate students, lecturers, and junior and ladder faculty are eligible to apply. Along with consultation support from HumThink coordinators, the award provides 100 hours of graduate student researcher (RITC) support quarterly (10 hr/week).
HumThink sponsors two types of support depending on your home department and the methods or tools required. There is the Humanities Research Support and the Digital Humanities (DH) Excellerator Program. In the application, you will be asked to choose which type of support you will require. Please see below to help select which category type best supports your project needs.
Humanities Research Support assists Humanities-based graduate students, lecturers, and faculty-developed projects, with or without a specific digital humanities-based lens or methodology. HumThink aims to support all types of research in the Humanities, spanning instructional content development to projects dealing with textual analysis, material culture studies, and quantitative and qualitative analyses.
The DH Excellerator functions as connective tissue, bringing together the DH Program, faculty, library and technology staff, and students around computational methods, data-driven research, and digital scholarship in the humanities and humanistic social sciences. The DH Excellerator is fiercely transdisciplinary, deeply collaborative, and experiment-driven. Through its broad-based collaborations, the Excellerator supports rapid prototyping, experimentation, project scoping and planning, data management, grant writing, and digital research project support at all stages of conception and development.
Humanities Research Support is restricted for Humanities Division projects, while the DH Excellerator is open to all divisions and departments, with extra emphasis on digital humanities-related methodologies. Both options support faculty and graduate student research while offering mentorship opportunities for graduate students through the RITC program. Humanities Research Support brings together DH faculty and staff, HumTech, OARC, the Library, and graduate student Research and Instructional Technology Consultants (RITCs) to support projects at any stage of development.
It is highly recommended that a consultation is completed before applying. See the Current and Past projects we have supported.