
Young Research Library, Research Commons (RC) Classroom Room 11630F, Young Research Library, Los Angeles

Zoe Borovsky (Library) and Bethany Myers (Library) cover the basics and some fancy, advanced features of this popular, free, web-based application.

Research Data Management

Young Research Library, Research Commons (RC) Classroom Room 11630F, Young Research Library, Los Angeles

The focus of this talk is on understanding and applying initial steps to facilitate data management and data reuse. Topics covered will include data management plans, the data life cycle, file management, and metadata. Attendees will get a chance to practice using these approaches. Taught by Bethany Myers (Library)

Spatial Statistics in STATA

Young Research Library, Research Commons (RC) Classroom Room 11630F, Young Research Library, Los Angeles

Demonstrate how to use spmaps and maps module in STATA. Taught by Christine Wells and Albert Kochaphum (Institute for Digital Research and Education)

Databases and Excel

Young Research Library, Research Commons (RC) Classroom Room 11630F, Young Research Library, Los Angeles

This hands-on session will explore several tools useful in managing research data. The workshop will cover basic and advanced techniques in Microsoft Excel 2016 such as importing and formatting text, tables, PivotTables, conditional formatting, and connecting to external data sources. We will then cover software options for managing more complex datasets while discussing data topics...

Python for High Performance Computing

IDRE Portal - 5628 Math Sciences Building

Python, originally developed as a general-purpose programming language, has gained its popularity in the scientific community in recent years owing to its elegant and easy-to-understand syntax and powerful libraries. Python fully supports both functional and object-oriented programming styles. This class will discuss a number useful features of Python in the context of scientific computing, and...

Data Visualization with ReactJS

Young Research Library, Research Commons (RC) Classroom Room 11630F, Young Research Library, Los Angeles

Using ReactJS to display and share data on the Web. Taught by Hayk Zkaryan (Institute for Digital Research and Education) Event is free. Available only to UCLA students, faculty, staff, and visiting scholars. Go here to RSVP.

Library Carpentry (LC) Workshop

YRL Presentation Room (located on the main floor)

Library Carpentry is made by librarians, for librarians to help you: * automate repetitive, boring, error-prone tasks * create, maintain and analyse sustainable and reusable data * work effectively with IT and systems colleagues * better understand the use of software in research Library Carpentry introduces you to the fundamentals of computing and provides you...

Library Carpentry (LC) Workshop

YRL Presentation Room (located on the main floor)

Library Carpentry is made by librarians, for librarians to help you: * automate repetitive, boring, error-prone tasks * create, maintain and analyse sustainable and reusable data * work effectively with IT and systems colleagues * better understand the use of software in research Library Carpentry introduces you to the fundamentals of computing and provides you...

Tableau Public

Young Research Library, Research Commons (RC) Classroom Room 11630F, Young Research Library, Los Angeles

Overview of visualization software. Taught by Zoe Borovsky (Library) and Suvra Mostafa (Digital Research Project Assistant, Master of Social Sciences candidate)

Running Applications on the Hoffman2 Cluster: An Introduction

IDRE Portal - 5628 Math Sciences Building

The Hoffman2 cluster is a powerful computational resource for the UCLA research community. This class is designed to clarify the process of porting your own applications on the cluster or using applications already available on the cluster. It also addresses how to port your workflow to the Hoffman2 and how to submit batch and run...