HumTech Meetup: Omeka + Neatline

Are you interested in creating digital collections and exhibits, and then mapping them in space and time? Omeka and Neatline are a powerful combination. Come participate as the team on the Mickey Katz Digital Library uses the tool to prototype their artifact-focused narrative of the live of the ground-breaking musician, and then build your own collection!

EndNote for the Social Sciences and Humanities

This hands-on session offers an overview of the EndNote citation management software program, which helps researchers manage and organize their references and automatically create and format citations and bibliographies. Taught by Gabriella Gray, librarian, Charles E. Young Research Library. Meet in the Research Library East Classroom, room 21536.  Reserve your place here:

Grading With Rubrics

Learn about designing grading rubrics that foreground assignment objectives, let students know in advance about your expectations, and make your grading faster and simpler, but still meaningful. Participants are encouraged to bring a current, future or past assignment with them to use as the basis for creating a rubric. This workshop is geared toward graduate Teaching...

HumTech Meetup: Vectorworks and 3d Modeling

Are you interested in learning the basics of 3D modeling for scholarship or recreation? Vectorworks is a powerful architecture modeling platform that also supports the needs of the scholar. Come participate as Anthony Caldwell and the team on Paris: Past and Present explores the challenges of modeling Gothic architecture, and then work on your own model.

DH Open Office Hours

Interested in digital text analysis? Have questions about mapping? Want to turn your data into a visualization but don’t know where to begin? HumTech will be hosting a series of drop-in consultations in 2015-2016. Bring your questions to HumTech’s Scholarly Innovation Lab (1041 Public Affairs) on Thursdays from 12:30-2:30 and consult with Dave Shepard, HumTech’s...

Python for High Performance Computing – Part 2

Python, originally developed as a general purpose programming language, has gained its popularity in the scientific community in recently years owning to its elegant and easy- to-understand syntax and powerful libraries. Python fully supports both functional and object-oriented programming styles. This class will present a number useful features of Python in the context of scientific...

Introduction to R

R is a powerful statistical package that runs on Windows, Macintosh and Unix platforms. This class is designed for people who are just getting started using R. The students in the class will have a hands-on experience using R for statistics, graphics and data management. Non-UCLA researchers are allowed to sign up and attend. RSVP here

HumTech Meetup: Omeka + Neatline

Are you interested in creating digital collections and exhibits, and then mapping them in space and time? Omeka and Neatline are a powerful combination. Come participate as the team on the Mickey Katz Digital Library uses the tool to prototype their artifact-focused narrative of the live of the ground-breaking musician, and then build your own collection!

Getting Started With Research

Learn to effectively navigate the Library's website to find what you need, search online catalogs for books and other materials, and discover the best databases for articles and other resources on a given topic. Meet in the Research Library East Classroom, room 21536. Reserve your place here:

HumTech Meetup: Vectorworks and 3d Modeling

Are you interested in learning the basics of 3D modeling for scholarship or recreation? Vectorworks is a powerful architecture modeling platform that also supports the needs of the scholar. Come participate as Anthony Caldwell and the team on Paris: Past and Present explores the challenges of modeling Gothic architecture, and then work on your own model.