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Digital Humanities Infrastructure Symposium
The digital humanities represent the cutting edge of humanities research and instruction, but they also represent a fundamental shift in the paradigm of humanities, from the model of the lone scholar to that of the interconnected team; and from the model of the durable paper publication to that of the digital, ephemeral product. Since the infrastructure (including staff, resources, and services) necessary to support these new models are very different from those required by the old models, academic partners are being challenged to evolve rapidly to support those scholars, in ways that are efficient and sustainable.
The DH Infrastructure Symposium, hosted by the UCLA Center for Digital Humanities and held on the UCLA campus on Friday, February 26, will gather together the people who are the DH infrastructure of various universities, colleges, libraries, and other scholarly organizations across California, to discuss different approaches to these challenges. Our goal is to learn from each others’ successes and galvanize further advances at our own institutions.
Click here for Symposium Program
Click here for presentation abstracts
Click here to register. Registration is now open!
Click here for maps and directions to UCLA, and information about public transit and parking.