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DH Infrastructure Symposium
Los Angeles, CA 90095 United States + Google Map
Thanks to everyone who joined us at the 2018 DHIS! We’ve linked the presentation slide decks to the titles of their talks below. If you have any feedback about the symposium, please share it with annelie@humnet.ucla.edu.
We enthusiastically invite you to join us at UCLA on November 15, 2018 for the third annual Digital Humanities Infrastructure Symposium. Our focus this year is on some real-world built and building platforms and methods to support DH researchers. We welcome anyone interested in learning from what has been done in practical, infrastructure-building terms — especially technologists, library staff, and those involved or getting started in building DH capacity.
Draft Schedule
- 8:45-9: Welcome
- 9-10:15: Jason Christopher, Berkeley: “OCR at Scale with Google Translate and Google API,” followed by discussion and coffee break
- 10:15-11:30: Nicola Lercari, UC Merced: “Setting up the Public Humanities-Digital Humanities Lab and the UCM WAVE visualization facility,” followed by discussion and coffee break
- 11:30-12:15: Kristy Golubiewski-Davis, UC Santa Cruz: “Getting the VizLab Off the Ground”
- 12:15-1:30: Lunch break. Optional workshop on Recogito (see below) or discussion/networking meetup.
- 1:30-2:45: Anne Mar and Dale Stieber, Occidental College: “The evolution of a platform for undergraduate digital scholarship,” followed by discussion and coffee break
- 2:45-3:30: John Lynch, UCLA: “Learning to Say YES! with HumTech’s Project Workflow”
- 3:30-4:30: Closing remarks, followed by discussion and coffee/wine
New! Optional lunchtime workshop
This year we are also offering an optional lunchtime workshop in Recogito, a tool that lets you perform semantic annotation directly on images and documents. We only have 20 seats in the demo, which are first-come, first-serve.
Questions? Email Annelie Rugg, Humanities CIO at the UCLA Center for Digital Humanities. annelie@humnet.ucla.edu